I have listened to a lot of business coaches and life coaches give advice about goals and how to reach them. My son’s bike riding experience has in a short time shown me why the advice rings true. We have to know what our goal is first. We also have to know why we are working towards that goal. What will it feel like? What benefits will come from the hard work? Why do it in the first place? Once we have a concrete goal and understand why, we can formulate the steps and complete little improvements toward the goal, but we won’t start if we don’t know the reason. We then visualize ourselves at the goal and see ourselves already there. What does it feel like? How will we act? How will others act toward us? Once our vision is clear, we keep that in mind while we are pedaling down the road. To avoid obstacles that will not bring us improvement, we look the other way. We only look toward where we want to go. But where are we going? We may think we know, but our mind wanders and we look right. The direction that might not challenge us or bring us improvement. The direction detours us for a while. Often during the second bike riding lesson, I would have to ask my son, “Where are you going?” Like biking, while we are achieving goals, we have to be aware of what we are doing and where we are aiming at a daily basis. We also have to make those steps to get there and nothing else should get in the way. While we pedal along, we have to make sure is this the way I want to go. Does this bring me closer to my destination or further away? But most importantly go only in the direction that brings you closer. Constantly ask yourself where are you going? You will always need a heading, but the good news is that you choose.